
Series: British Numismatic Journal [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Royal Exchanges and Mints in The Period of Baronial Reform 
A Crisis of Credit in The Fifteenth Century, or of Historical Interpretation 
Coins in Context: Coinage and Votive Deposition in Iron Age South-East Leicestershire 
Coin Hoards of Charles I and The Commonwealth of England, 1625-60, From England and Wales 
Runic Sceattas Reading EPA, Types R1 & R2 
Scottish Black Money in The Low Countries, c.1484-1506 
The Bene't Street, Cambridge, Hoard of Gold and Silver Coins of Elizabeth I, James and Charles I 
The Coinage of Aethelred I (865-871) 
Presidential Address 2006. Currency under The Vikings. Part 3: Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man and Scotland in The Ninth and Tenth Centuries 
Presidential Address 2012. Hoarding in Britain: An Overview