
Series: British Numismatic Journal [ All ]

Page 6 of 9

  Title Copies
The Number of Moneyers and The Frequency of Recoinages during The Norman Period: A Mathematical Model 
The Scottish Copper Crux Pellit Coinage: A Typological Analysis 
English Medieval Weight-Standards Revisted 
Comments on Pamela Nightingale, 'English Medieval Weight-Standards Revisited' 
The Coinage of Offa Revisited 
Sarah Sophia Banks and Her English Hammered Coins 
A Roman Republican Prototype for The Animal-under-A-Tree Types of Epaticcus 
King John's Irish Rex Coinage Revisited. Part II: The Symbolism of The Coinage 
The Coinage of John Baliol 
Howard Linecar Lecture 2011. Roman Britain and Its Economy from Coin Finds