Series: British Numismatic Journal [ All ]
Page 2 of 9
Title | Type | Copies | |
The Coinage of Rues | E-Journals | 1 | |
Sarah Sophia Banks and Her English Hammered Coins | E-Journals | 1 | |
Comments on Pamela Nightingale, 'English Medieval Weight-Standards Revisited' | E-Journals | 1 | |
English Medieval Weight-Standards Revisted | E-Journals | 1 | |
The Scottish Copper Crux Pellit Coinage: A Typological Analysis | E-Journals | 1 | |
Presidential Address 2007. Currency under The Vikings. Part 4: The Dublin Coinage c.995-1050 | E-Journals | 1 | |
The Lunettes Coinage of Alfred The Great | E-Journals | 1 | |
Philology Matters to Early Anglo-Saxon Money Matters | E-Journals | 1 | |
The Trinovantian Staters of Dubnovellaunos | E-Journals | 1 | |
Auctioneers' Tokens | E-Journals | 1 |